Baby travels begin…

2015-07-19 18.56.57

The only thing that has really been causing my husband and I to hold off on kids is our desire to continue traveling. Since moving to Singapore almost seven years ago, come December, we’re always amazed at how many cities we have managed to see. Luckily a lot of friends have served as inspiration that it can still be done, tot in tow. So, we bit the bullet and three months ago welcomed a new addition to our family. Her little giggles and curious eyes confirm that it was the right decision. The added bonus is that so far our travel plans have not slowed down. Before her first eight weeks on the planet we snuck in a few days in Thailand and she was a big fan. Really this was just a trial run before our flight back to the States next week. Just prior to her three month birthday, we’ll be stopping off in three cities and flying around the globe. Still researching how to keep a baby entertained for 20+ hours in the sky. I will report back.